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What is the Great Snow Season? The Great Snow Season is the sixth solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar, which falls on December 7th or 8th each year. It marks the arrival of winter's chill and the beginning of the coldest season in China. During this period, a beautiful and serene snow-white world stretches out, covering the landscape with tranquility and purity. The Great Snow, as its name implies, signifies the arrival of significant snowfalls, indicating the change of season from autumn to winter. After this solar term, a large amount of snow and freezing weather arrive, the land is covered in a white blanket of snow, and the rivers and lakes begin to freeze. In ancient China, the Great Snow season was an important time for farming. Farmers would work to complete harvesting the remaining crops before the snow starts to fall, to ensure that enough food for the long, cold winter months. Moreover, with the coming of snow, the transportation of goods and people would become much more challenging. Therefore, it was also an essential time for preparations for the winter. Nowadays, the Great Snow has become a time for people to enjoy the snow, especially in northern China. Various winter sports, such as skiing, skating and sledging, are popular activities during this season. Furthermore, people also celebrate this solar term with a custom called “Snow Poetry,” which involves composing poems about the beauty of snow and the winter season. In summary, the Great Snow solar term is a reminder of the changing seasons and the importance of preparing for the cold winter months. It is a time to enjoy the beauty of snow and the winter season, as well as reflect on how we can make the most of the season for ourselves and those around us.



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